

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时


鉴于新冠肺炎疫情的最新进展, 我们正处在一个高度动态的环境中. 学生无障碍服务 is suggesting some special considerations 和 guidance to support you as you plan for a shift to alternative methods of instruction to ensure alignment with ADA/Section 504 和 508 st和ards.

残疾人, including people living with chronic illnesses 和 immune-related conditions, exist within our system 和 many function with or without 住宿 in place through 学生无障碍服务. This is important to consider because our planning should include options for those who are not presently identified through formal channels.

在一般情况下, we recommend flexibility with course requirements 和 consultation with 学生无障碍服务 to help address individual instructional, 学生服务, 或者学生的需求.



随着突然过渡到在线格式, 我尽了最大的努力让所有的学生都能上这门课, 包括残疾学生. 如果你在访问本课程中的任何内容时遇到问题, 请立即通过电子邮件与我联系,以便我为您提供支持. You may also contact 学生无障碍服务 at accessibility@hawkeyecollege.Edu或tiffany.dodd@hawkeyecollege.Edu或319-296-2320 ext. 1060.


在过渡到替代的教学方法, offer flexibility with attendance points 和 participation points without specifically authorized 学生无障碍服务 住宿. 考虑利用其他项目/任务, 其他提交方法, 还有到期日期的灵活性.

Consider surveying your students to gauge their needs 和 concerns during this time.

  • 他们有可靠的网络吗? 他们有Zoom功能的网络摄像头吗?
  • Do they have any accessibility requests or concerns regarding online teaching 和 learning (like readings available in different formats or approaches to discussion boards)?
  • 他们是否担心基本需求(家庭或食物不安全), 心理护理, 照顾孩子, 或者获取技术?

If a student who is not registered with 学生无障碍服务 is communicating disability related barriers in the online format, please support them to the extent possible 和 refer them to 学生无障碍服务 for 住宿.


Instructional materials must be accessible in accordance with legal m和ates.

Utilize the Microsoft accessibility checker to help assess document accessibility. Read Microsoft's article "Improve Accessibility with the Accessibility Checker" 了解更多".

Canvas为用户提供了清晰、易用的易访问性设计指南. 看到 一般无障碍设计指引Canvas内的可访问性 了解更多.



Be aware that students that may not previously have had testing 住宿 may need them with the change in environment.


Accommodations that were originally designed for face-to-face courses may need to be adapted/updated for online environments — this may mean creativity in the design 和 delivery of 住宿.

All adjustments/住宿 will be individually determined on a student by student basis. Not all students with disabilities will need adjustments or the same type of adjustment.


  • 延长时间: The Canvas学习管理系统 has a feature that allows you to adjust a student’s online quiz/exam time corresponding to the amount of extended time authorized by 学生无障碍服务 (typically 1.5 time or “time 和 half”; or 2.0或" double time "). 看到 如何在新测验中为学生添加评估住宿? or 一旦我发布了一个定时测验,我怎么能给我的学生额外的时间?

  • 大声朗读: ReadSpeaker, built into Canvas, improves accessibility 和 functions as a reader for students. 学生 can click on the speaker to have Canvas tests 和 materials read aloud. 这就是学生们在大声朗读考试时获得便利的方式. 此功能必须通过Canvas提供考试. 考试不使用附件.

  • 减少分心/个别考试设置: Please be aware that students may not have a great setting to take exams which could impact their assessment scores.


  • CANVAS的课后材料.
  • Consider having students add notes to a shared Google Doc so that all students can benefit from each other.
  • 考虑提供讲座的视频或音频片段以供重复观看. 如果可以的话,提供文字记录或字幕. 看到www.水獭.免费转录服务.


Consider not penalizing students for spelling or grammatical mistakes in discussion postings because the extra cognitive load of typing or using speech-to-text software may make things more difficult for them.

Consider 学生 with Hearing Impairments or Visual Impairments that may or may not have 住宿

学生无障碍服务 will be corresponding directly with faculty who have students that have 住宿 for hearing or visual impairments in their courses to provide more specific support 和 guidance.



  • 以可访问的格式创建文档
  • All instructor made videos should include descriptive language so that students are aware of information you are presenting non-verbally.


改编自高等教育和残疾协会. (2020年3月17日). 面对冠状病毒危机,保持机会. 从前方检索.org.


Use black text on a white background to ensure that the text st和s out on the page. Editor’s note: Pure white backgrounds may cause problems with glare or distraction for some students. 可以考虑使用米白色或浅灰色的背景.


Do not use color alone to denote differences in emphasis 和 content meaning. 编者注:这也适用于一些图形元素,如图表. 看到 色彩的运用(WebAIM)色彩对比(WebAIM).


使用内置的标题样式来指定内容组织. Editor’s note: Ensure that headings are used to create a hierarchy, not just for formatting. 看到 在内容结构中使用标题(WebAIM).




为图像提供一个简短的文本替代, 图, 以及回答这个问题的图表:为什么这张照片很重要? 看到 替代文本(WebAIM)站点改进,可访问性:图像Alt文本最佳实践.


Captioning your media provides greater student comprehension of the material covered 和 provides accessible media for individuals with hearing impairments in compliance with federal regulations.


对链接文本、标题和标题使用描述性标题. 见链接文本(网页).

尽可能使用简单的表,并带有列和行标题. 见数据表(WebAIM).



Please contact 学生无障碍服务 with any questions or concerns about students, 住宿, 或可访问性.

Ensuring accessibility for students with disabilities throughout this public health crisis requires us all to approach each student 和 each situation with an open mind 和 to prioritize their health 和 safety above all. 这将采取向最弱势群体提供援助的形式, 老年人和有潜在健康问题的人, 在工作和教育上有更大的灵活性.



  • ATIXA. 3月(2020). 残疾支持沟通教学教师. ATIXA其实.
  • 高等教育与残疾协会. (2020年3月17日). 面对冠状病毒危机,保持机会. 从前方检索.org.



靠谱买球app推荐中心 208

靠谱买球app推荐利用 爱荷华州继电器, a telecommunications service providing full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, 听力困难, 和/或语言障碍.

正常工作时间- 2024年夏季

2024年5月13日- 7月26日
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
星期五 上午8时至下午12时

正常工作时间- 2024年秋季

2024年7月29日- 12月20日
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分

If campus is closed, the 学生无障碍服务 Office is also closed. 这包括与天气有关的关闭. 参见预定的大学关闭.
