

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 星期一至四上午八时至下午四时三十分,星期五上午八时至下午十二时

教师 & 牙科项目主席

注意:空缺 2024年5月23日,星期四
申请截止日期: 2024年6月23日,周日,CST晚上11:59
职位类型: 教师
小时: 全职/ 12个月


你现在的职位是否让你感到空虚? 你一直想要有所作为吗? 靠谱买球app推荐需要你! We’re looking for a passionate educator and knowledgeable 牙科 professional with experience in both hygiene and assisting to inspire our 学生 and lead a strong 教师 team. The public wants training opportunities and the industry needs trained professionals – it is a great time for our Dental programs— Hygiene and Assisting– to address both.

靠谱买球app推荐 is seeking a Dental Instructor / 牙科项目主席 to join our 教师 team. 我们的全职, 12个月的教员职位, 将于2024年8月开始, will teach in the Dental programs while also being responsible for the overall strategic and operational administration of our 牙科 programs. 要做到这一点, you’ll engage in creative programmatic development that fosters innovative pedagogies and technologies including various instructional delivery methods. 你还将为学生的参与和成功提供领导, 教师发展, 学术课程认证, 获得外部资金, 以及社区参与和伙伴关系. 教学任务可能包括白天和晚上,以及各种地点和格式. The college provides a two-year 教师 induction and mentoring program to support our newest 教师 members.

靠谱买球app推荐 is a comprehensive community college focused on meeting the needs of the community by providing quality, affordable learning experiences for a diverse student body through more than 50 career and technical programs and liberal arts transfer programs along with our Adult Learning Center and our 业务 and 社区 Education Department. 以改善我们所服务社区的生活质素为愿景, our 牙科项目主席 will support 靠谱买球app推荐’s mission to empower 学生, 壮大企业,丰富社区



  • Maintains a teaching load of not more than two program courses per semester along with release time to achieve credit load.
  • 支持,招募和建议学生.
  • 协助教师制定教学计划和材料.
  • 采用多种教学方式, 为达到既定目标而使用的方法和材料, 定期评估学生的成绩, 并按要求提供进度报告.
  • 与教师团队一起制定和维护指定课程的课程.
  • Implements a systematic plan to assure successful program demonstration in the following areas: performance on the licensure exam, 项目完成, 研究生满意度, 雇主的满意度, 就业安置率.
  • Develops and implements a systematic plan for evaluation of the 牙科 program to include student learning outcomes, 项目的结果, 针对角色的毕业生能力, 符合牙科评审委员会(CODA)的评审标准.
  • 协助教师招聘、入职培训、评估和留用.
  • Reviews and manages 牙科 program resources and assists the 健康 Sciences dean with the budget
  • Observes 教师 teaching in conjunction with meeting accreditation standards but not for evaluative purposes as they pertain to employment.
  • 安排和分配课程给适当的教员,以供院长最后审查.
  • 协调新学生的外展和录取, 监控教学需求, 和令人满意的学业进步为学生的成功.
  • 指导评估, 修订, and development of curricula while enhancing the integration of simulation and test prep systems throughout the programs.
  • Ensures compliance with 牙科 education accreditation bodies and regulatory agencies requirements, 包括年度计划报告, 网站及出版资料, 定期计划自学努力, 为实地考察做准备.
  • 与教师建立并保持良好的关系, 学生, 学院的所有部门以及项目的咨询委员会, 未来的雇主, 和社区.
  • 促进牙科教师会议和牙科计划咨询委员会.
  • 根据分配参加校园委员会.
  • 完成分配的其他任务.
  • 除非靠谱买球app推荐公司的远程工作政策另有规定, regular on campus and/or onsite attendance is considered an essential function of the position.


  • 硕士学位.
  • 2年的高等牙科教育经验.
  • 2年全职临床实践经验.
  • 持牌牙科保健师或毕业于CODA认证项目的牙医.
  • Current Dental Assisting National Board “Certified Dental Assistant” or dentist licensed to practice in Iowa with occupational experience in the application of four-handed dentistry principles, 要么当牙医助理,要么和椅子旁边的助理一起工作.
  • 知识, 技能, and abilities in the areas of operations and management of an educational program including accreditation, 人员, 预算责任.
  • 课程开发,项目评估,学生学习评估经验.
  • 具有使用技术和替代交付格式的经验, 包括电脑辅助接生.
  • 必须具备应用教学技能的知识和能力.
  • 具备学习和应用最新技术技能和理念的能力.
  • Demonstrated ability to use motivational 技能 and engage 学生 in the learning process from all backgrounds and educational experiences.
  • 必须适应变化和创新.
  • 知识 of certification requirements and standards for hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
  • 知识 of the principles, practices, theories and methods for effective, innovative instruction.
  • 具有良好的协作和领导能力.
  • 具有良好的与内部和外部利益相关者的人际关系和沟通能力.
  • Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication 技能 to positively 与学生互动, 教师, 员工和外部利益相关者.
  • 具有与不同文化背景的学生一起工作的能力, 教师, 工作人员, 并以专业和风度的态度对待公众.
  • 良好的人际沟通能力.
  • 熟练使用Office办公软件, 谷歌应用程序, 牙科教育软件及视频会议等技术.
  • 有能力执行组织和部门的政策和程序.
  • 具备谨慎处理机密/敏感信息的能力.


  • 有在社区大学担任讲师或教师领导的经验.
  • 三(3)年或以上牙科教育经验.
  • 有CODA认证的经验或知识.
  • 有审核和/或分析认证报告和数据的经验.


Teaching assignments may include days, evenings, face-to-face, online, or hybrid instruction.

Work is performed either in or a combination of an office setting and/or classroom setting using technology. Requires good hand-eye coordination including visual acuity to use a keyboard and read technical information; arm, 手和手指灵巧, 包括掌握能力. 在运动过程中,经常坐、站、弯腰、抬起和移动

工作时间. 在白天, 与学生互动, 教师和工作人员亲自, 通过电话和电脑.


全职, 从2024年8月开始为期12个月的教师合同职位, 有全面的或有竞争力的福利计划,包括健康, 牙科, 愿景, 生活, 及有限责任公司保险, a Section 125 plan for medical and dependent care expenses; holiday, 个人, sick leave; tuition reimbursement and/or remission; and a choice of retirement programs—IPERS (defined benefit) or TIAA (defined contribution).

Salary will commensurate with the candidate’s education and experience based on the Hawkeye Professional Educator’s Associate Master Agreement.


  • 在www上完成在线申请
    • 提交/上传一封求职信,内容如下:
      • Please describe your related education and work experience as it relates to the minimum qualifications of the position.
      • Share your teaching experience as well as your curriculum evaluation and development experience.
      • 提交/上传简历.
    • Submit/upload 3 professional references with a minimum of 1 being from a current/past supervisor.
  • 优先筛选将于2024年6月24日星期一开始. 完成应用程序, 连同所需的材料, received after the priority screening date will be considered at the discretion of the college.



靠谱买球app推荐是一个机会均等和平权行动的雇主, 致力于教育服务和就业实践的公平和多样性; The College does not discriminate on the basis of sex; race; age; color; creed; national origin; religion; disability; sexual orientation; gender identity; genetic information; or actual or potential parental, 家庭, 或者婚姻状况, 活动, 或者雇佣实践. 退伍军人身份也包括在法律规定的范围内. Any person alleging a violation of equity regulations shall have the right to file a formal complaint. Inquiries concerning application of this statement should be addressed to: Equity Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator for employees, 319-296-4405; or Title IX Coordinator for 学生, 319-296-4448; 靠谱买球app推荐, 东橙路1501号, P.O. 8015箱, Waterloo, Iowa 50704-8015; or email equity-titleIX@wolaipei.com美国民权办公室(Office for Civil Rights)主任.S. 教育部,花旗集团中心,500w. 麦迪逊,芝加哥1475室,伊利诺斯州60661,电话312-730-1560,传真312-730-1576,电子邮件: 光学字符识别

If any applicant is in need of a reasonable accommodation in completing the application process, 请通知人力资源服务部的成员.



靠谱买球app推荐中心 101

如果您在完成申请过程中需要任何特殊住宿, 请通知人力资源服务部的成员.
