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Cedar Falls Students Engage in 业务 Program

发布于2017年6月2日星期五  大学现在哪些app可以买球

雪松瀑布CAPS项目安德鲁·温德著, 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员


大三的Graham Carter和大四的Kabeer Bhatia估计他们已经完成了项目的三分之一, which they had done using a computer-assisted design program. They had two weeks left before the deadline.


It was more than a grade in an engineering class that was at stake, though. They were completing the project for Kryton Engineered Metals, a business in the Cedar Falls Industrial Park.

The students are enrolled in the Center for Advanced Professional Studies, a career program launched by the school in January. 他们是在Viking Pump市中心总部参加CAPS的13名学生中的一员.

同时课程获得三个高中学分和五个靠谱买球app推荐社区大学学分. The credits will transfer to the state universities as electives.

Cedar Falls is part of a nine-state network of about two dozen CAPS programs, 这是欧弗兰公园的蓝谷学区在2008年提出的概念, Kan. 雪松瀑布项目的课程是与靠谱买球app推荐和参与项目的企业合作开发的. A total of 13 businesses are involved this year.

商业伙伴为学生们提供了各种各样的项目. 一些公司的员工来给学生讲课,或者在他们的项目上担任导师. Kryton engineer Brett Clikeman mentored Bhatia and Carter.

“我们的实际工作清单上有一个项目,我认为它可能适合我们,他说, 对台阶凳的重新设计.

“They wanted us to make it cheaper. They were losing money on it,” said Carter. 他补充说,该公司还希望这款凳子更“美观”.

“There were a lot of welds on it,” said Bhatia. 这个凳子是设计用来连接到工业机器上的,它也需要支撑更多的重量.

两个多月后, their design work was finished and a prototype had been built by the company.

“They are go-getters,” Clikeman said of the pair. “他们实际上经历了我在一个项目中要经历的所有步骤. 我让他们在某些我知道他们会失败的事情上失败,只是为了让他们了解这个过程.”

On Tuesday, the students presented that final product to a Kryton customer.

“结果很好,我们让他们把它展示给一位来自东海岸的客户,” Clikeman said prior to the meeting. “I have fairly high hopes that it will be a green light.”


“我们非常倾向于工程和计算机科学领域,伊森·韦克曼老师说. 不过,他补充说,“最重要的是软技能”,比如解决问题和团队合作. Those are “needed in any profession.”


“他们接手了这个项目,真的能够理解我的需求,凯尔·罗伊德说, a human resources manager with the company. 学生们“帮助我了解了技术在简化这一过程中的一些能力.”

老贝利·巴兹, one of the students who worked on the Omega project, appreciates CAPS for the change it provides from the regular class schedule.

“我喜欢我们在校外的专业环境中见面,”她说. “It’s more freedom, it’s more relaxed.”

巴兹还喜欢他们把学校发的Chromebook电脑换成惠普笔记本电脑, which provided more software capabilities for the students’ projects. “We barely had any technology before, and now we have Photoshop,” she said.

通过爱荷华州东北部社区基金会的赠款资金允许购买计算机. 这些资金还用于支付与合作伙伴公司建立联系的业务联络员的费用.

在Omega项目之前, 巴兹和另一名学生为领英社交媒体上的每个班级成员拍照.

小格里芬·昂鲁, 三个学生中的一个正在为维京建造和编程三维打印机, 他说,在一个项目上工作并面临最后期限的经历对他来说很有价值. 帮助创建LinkedIn个人资料和简历是另一个重要方面, along with the connections he’s making to people in the business world.

“I want to go somewhere into the business side of things,昂鲁说, like sales or business administration. He’s also considering information technology as a possible career field. 安鲁想加入CAPS,因为“任何有专业背景的东西”都会对被大学录取有帮助, “这就是我的看法.”

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乔什•施密特, human resources director at Viking, 预计像CAPS这样的项目对于培养他们和其他当地公司所需的劳动力非常重要. Along with hosting the program and providing projects, 大约有十几名员工参与了指导和与学生交谈的工作.

“I would say in retrospect it’s gone better than we expected,” Schmidt said of the company’s involvement. “它增强了我们这里的文化.”

The students “bring a fresh energy to our building every day,” Schmidt added. “这为我们的员工提供了在日常工作之外发挥影响力的机会。.

明年, 66名雪松瀑布学生和9名滑铁卢社区学校的学生已经报名参加了三个项目,另外还有通信设计和教师教育. 工程学将招收25人,通信设计26人,教师教育24人. 该地区正在与靠谱买球app推荐公司合作制定这两个新项目的课程,并与北爱荷华大学合作开展教师教育.

Wiechmann said three more instructors have been hired for the program, which will now include a mix of morning and afternoon sessions. 市中心的Mill Race联合办公空间将举办交流设计部分,UNI的Schindler教育中心将举办教师教育部分.

丹·康拉德, the district’s director of secondary 教育, 预计明年的工程课程将更侧重于这一主题,而通信设计课程可能包括计算机科学和信息技术.

他说:“在我们与当地企业达成一些项目协议之前,我们不会真正知道。. “我们仍在与靠谱买球app推荐就通信设计和教师教育项目的大学学分制定细节.”

Clikeman said Kryton is planning to continue participating in the program.

“我认为它为社区和公司提供了价值,他说, 那么谁输了呢??”


“I’m pretty proud of the work that they did,” said Clikeman. “他们做得很好.”

周早些时候, the students acknowledged they would feel some pride, too, if the customer does buy the redesigned step stool.

巴蒂亚说:“我们学校很多大三和大四的学生都没有机会这样做. “这很独特.”


  1. 雪松瀑布高中
  2. Center for Advanced Professional Studies
  3. 并发靠谱买球app推荐